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Storm is a rock/heavy-metal band from Sofia, Bulgaria, consisting of Alexander Mladenov (drums, vocals), Mihail Bonev (bass-guitar, vocals) and Nikolay Mihaylov (guitars). The project was initiated in the beginning of 2019 with the main purpose - recording and releasing original music.
After completing their line-up in April 2019, Storm began the local concert circuit with a series of performances in Sofia and other towns of Bulgaria. Their live performances gained them the interest and liking of the audience, critics, and venue managers for their original melodic lines under swift tempo and heavy riffs, captivating vocal harmonies, idea-driven guitar solos and explosive live sets. The initial success has encouraged the trio to accelerate their creative activity with more songwriting.
Although the lack of live performances during huge periods of 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the band gained popularity worldwide thanks to various music and social media platforms.
With only being in existence for two years, Storm reached over 80k streams on Spotify with just two singles released.
Presently, the trio is working on more tracks, with their next being their third single "Here I Am" for release in May 2021, as well as a first full length album for a yet-to-be-determined date.

1. Storm
2. Ride in the Night
3. Angel - single (19.11.2019)
4. Сълза /Sulza/ - single (24.06.2020)
5. Here I Am - single (28.05.2021)

About us image

Alexander Mladenov

Drums and Vocals

Mihail Bonev

Bass and Vocals

Nikolay Mihaylov


This song is in our native language - Bulgarian

Не, не искам да поглеждам вече в твоите очи
За това пък те обичам за мен най-свята си ти
Твойта искреност и нежност , твойта сляпа доброта
Утешават мойта злоба , палят хубава искра
Жадувам да съм с теб сега , но ето че съм сам в нощта
И споменът превърна се в сълза....

С теб живяхме в по-весел свят, който беше отрупан със мечти
Любовта ни разтърсваше.... Как ?
Всичко остана в сълзи...

Може би е късно да ти казвам днес това
Вятър вече рони пожълтелите листа
Недей ще кажеш ти сега
Скована ни е любовта
Обичах те, но няма и следа


Tear image
White angel came from the skies
And my grievances now are over
Dark thoughts are going away
And I feel real free again

In the middle of hard times
When it seemed I ‘d lost my way
She came from nowhere
And she turned her eyes my way

I felt that somehow
Troubles ran away from me
I got the power
To start out again

White angel came from the skies
And my vision of life turned over
Dark thoughts are leaving my head
And I do feel free again

I felt that somehow
Troubles ran away from me
I got the power
To fullfil my dreams again

Guardian angel
You cleared up my mind again
So that I handle
Things that matter to me with faith

White angel came to my life
And I got more health and power
I've got the strength to realize
That my future depends on me
That my life belongs to me

In the middle of hard times
When it seemed I ‘d lost my way
She came from nowhere
And she turned her eyes my way

White angel you came to me
And cleared up my way ahead
Now with more strength in my hands
I can do what I know is the best

White angel came from the skies
And my grievances now are over
Dark thoughts are going away
And I feel real free again

White angel came from the skies
And my vision of life turned over
Dark thoughts are leaving my head
And I do feel free again

Angel image
Flash in the sky
Gives me a sign
I can pass through the space and the time

Headlong I wheel
This is a thrill
I can feel all my dreams can fulfil

Ride in the night
I just feel how my spirit is rising high
Stars in the sky shining so bright
Flying so high
I can reach out and merely touch the sky
Driving at night

Driving at night
Gets me so high
I can fly with the speed of the light
Headlong I wheel
This is a thrill
I can feel all my dreams can fulfil


Ride in the night image
In the evening right before my eyes
Crazy picture strikes into my mind
Dazzling lightnings flashing ‘cross the sky
Heavy thunders quaking all the ground

Right before my eyes
Lightnings cross the sky
Rivers flowing over us

Suddenly the night is closing in
Heavy storm is ready to begin
Trees are leaning by the violent wind
Scary darkness captures everything
Running and hiding people cry loud
Sinking and flooding this world dies out

Streets are flooding by the pouring rain
Desperate tries for savior are in vain
Еverywhere there’s misery and pain
Only darkness dares to remain

Right before my eyes
Lightnings cross the sky
Rivers flowing over us

Storm image
I'm sitting in this vile place
Dwelling in the cold and dark
I’m tired out of this rat race
Being here now for too long

I'm craving for a warm space
Where the sun don't stop to shine
I'm walking out the cold room
And I'm leaving all this grind

Here I am a flesh and blood man
Not a stranger to weakness and flame
Down and out for quite a long time
I could write down a lot of rhymes

Maybe I made many mistakes
Sure I’ve passed through hardship and pain
But I’ve found self-power and sense
So that I could start out again

Much disillusion through time
Keeping the suffer of mine
Feel I've been losing my mind sometimes

I had turned my back to my dreams
Not forgotten, kept deep well within
They emerge now holly and pink
Raising up all my spirit free

I have been a victim of sins
Not one time did I make a slip
After all the pity comes grit
I fave fought what it’s bad for me

Break down the shackles of time
Use your own power of mind
Let your soul be your true guide
Tonight and on…

I had turned my back to my dreams
Not forgotten, kept deep well within
They emerge now holly and pink
Raising up all my spirit free

I have been a victim of sins
Not one time did I make a slip
After all the pity comes grit
I fave fought what it’s bad for me

Here I am image
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Here you can find a great community for sharing and discussions the things you like. We would like to hear your opinion not only for Storm !
  • bul. "Aleksandar Stamboliyski" 147, Sofia, Bulgaria